New Culture in the News

Animal-free cheese is the future of dairy


Grating New Culture animal-free mozzarella

$5M in Early Demand for New Culture Mozzarella

We’ve secured $5M in early demand for our animal-free mozzarella, including from some of the most celebrated chefs and pizzerias in the industry

Pizzas with New Culture cheese

New Culture Cheese: Label, Ingredients, Nutritionals

We submitted our product label and registration for approval! The ingredients we use mean our cheese’s nutritionals can match conventional mozzarella’s.

New Culture animal-free cheese stretch

Same Great Mozzarella, Half the Casein

We made a new mozzarella recipe that uses 28% less (animal-free) casein than before. That’s half as much casein as cow mozz. That's a serious cost reduction.

New Culture animal-free casein protein

"GRAS" for New Culture Animal-free Casein

Our animal-free casein is the world's first to be cleared for sale! And we learned a lot along the way getting to this milestone.

Hands reaching for New Culture's animal-free, dairy mozzarella

Survey Says: Everyone's Craving New Culture Mozzarella

New research, conducted in partnership with AMC Global, reveals demand for a breakthrough animal-free cheese from omnivores and vegans alike.

New Culture animal-free casein protein

The Urgent Call for Sustainability at Scale

As the global population swells, manufacturing delicious food efficiently and sustainably at large scale becomes an imperative. Enter: Precision fermentation.

New Culture dinner table

The First Taste of a First-of-its-Kind Cheese

We unveiled our revolutionary cheese with a select group of culinary influencers at Pizzeria Mozza in an event hosted by the legendary Nancy Silverton.

Nancy Silverton and New Culture

New Culture + Nancy Silverton: The Perfect Pairing

We’re teaming up with the one-and-only Nancy Silverton to launch our cheese! Get the behind-the-scenes take on the partnership that will revolutionize pizza.

Fermentation: An Ancient Process for Yumminess

Fermentation: An Ancient Process for Yumminess

Fermented food is a cornerstone of cuisines worldwide. What’s the history of fermentation? How does it work, especially to make cheese? We’re glad you asked.

New Culture co-founders Matt Gibson CEO and Inja Radman CSO

Creating Something From Nothing

Believe it or not, New Culture’s roots go back to a single burger. Who would have guessed that a $300,000 patty of cultivated meat would’ve laid the foundation.

Press Releases

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